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Photoshop sketch effect

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Here, I will show you how to very easily turn any picture into a sketch in Adobe Photoshop.
I somehow happened to spare myself some time from Trickvilla. Aimlessly surfing on Facebook,  I noticed that I had not updated my profile picture for quite a long time now.
Wondering what to upload next, I opened up my Adobe Photoshop CS5 and gave my current profile pic a new look by “sketching” it, virtually.
Have a look on how to do it:
1.Open up an image in Photoshop

2. Press Ctrl+Shift+U to de-saturate it.

3. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate your original layer.

4. Select your duplicate layer & press Ctrl+I to invert colors of your image.

5. Change the color mode of you duplicate layer to color dodge

6. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Keep trying different values for  radius to obtain a better sketch.
My preferred radius:7.0 

7. Save your new sketch version of the image


  1. Saleho said...:

    apa kabar gan..

  1. Unknown said...:

    simple tapi keren,,
    salam kenal..
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  1. Roy Zaki said...:

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  1. Unknown said...:


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